Hello! I just wanted to know whether or not I have social anxiety. For such a long time, I have pondered on this problem but never took it as a serious problem and now, I want to seek help. At school when my teachers do the pick-and-share method to students, I have this stress on me, fearing that I might be called on and say something really dumb or irrelevant. If I do get called on and everything turns out alright, I still find the simplest mistakes in what I shared and beat myself over it. To keep this short, I fear of being judged in front of others, I tend to avoid or act awkward around leaders or people in authority, when there is a group discussion I get stressed, and I just noticed recently that when I'm in/around crowds by myself, I get a bit anxious. However, I don't get panic attacks or sweaty palms (maybe I do when its really bad, like an upcoming presentation). Nevertheless, the feeling is temporarily and if not, can last for about a day or two. Its odd that I do talk a lot when I feel like it and I love to make friends but, I'm just not that social. I feel like I'm just a teenager still stuck in her comfort zone and its true I still am, but I don't know if I actually do have anxiety. Thank you so much for taking your time to read this. I will be waiting for your answer. :)